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Market Research

Market Research & Business Matching (Singapore)

Shutter & Door industry

Our client is a major manufacturer of shutters and doors in Japan, for construction and commerce purposes. WASABI Creation was tasked to research for the all the major players in the shutter & door industry in Singapore, and to identify ideal partners for business opportunities and partnership. 

A couple of potential parters were identified and arranged business matching for the clients to meet, introduce, and have a discussion for possible collaboration. 

Market Research in Singapore

Label printer's demand and applications 

Our client is a major Japanese electronic manufacturer, with a division for developing label printers. Recently, a new label printer product has been developed which is smaller, lighter, more portable, and it able to be connect wirelessly to smart phones for the operation. 

WASABI Creation is tasked to conduct market research on the demand and applications of such label printer across 10 different industries, ranging from small businesses, SMEs and government organisations.  

Besides conducting product trials, and preliminary face-to-face interviews with the users, we also arranged meetings between our client and the users to receive direct feedback from them over a period of 4 days. 

Business Matching

Introducing Japanese skincare products in Singapore

Our client is a skincare product manufacturer from Japan who has 15 years of track record in developing skincare product for the Japanese market. Their plan is to identify and partner with distributors and retailers in Singapore to begin their overseas business expansion.

WASABI Creation supported the client by approaching potential partners in Singapore and set up appointments for business discussion during our clients' stay in Singapore.

Within a short period of 2 days, we manage to secure 7 appointments with different companies such as Isetan, Sasa Cosmetics, Takashimaya, Robinson's, NTUC Fairprice, Luxasia, etc, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and opportunities for their business expansion in Singapore. 

Market Research

Japanese OTC Drug sales in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Japanese OTC Drug sales in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 7 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Japanese OTC Drug sales in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Japanese OTC Drug sales in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 7 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Consumer Survey

Singaporean's eating habit

The client is a research company from Japan who is conducting a study on Singapore's F&B marketing for a Japanese restaurant chain.

A two-week survey was conducted with 20 Singaporeans in the age groups of 20s to 40s, including people from the Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnic groups. All their meals, both eating at home and dining out were recorded everyday over a period of 2 weeks, to find out Singaporean's eating habits and budgeting for meals. 

WASABI Creation supported in the research by recruiting and managing the 20 participants, monitored their progress, as well as rewarded them with a small token of appreciation. 

Market Research

Japanese Consumer Product Trends

Our client is a major operator of the government of Singapore, who is conducting market research on Japanese consumer product trends in Japan and Singapore, for their new business venture.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant information sources both online and offline, companies, associations, and government organisations. We also conducted on the ground research, as well as interviews with individuals by tapping onto our network in both Japan and Singapore.

Within a short period of 3 weeks, we manage to produce a report on various Japanese trends in Fashion, Cosmetics, and Package Food, allowing our client to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their new business development strategies. 

Market Research

MICE & event industry in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on MICE and event industry in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 3 days, we manage to secure 7 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Air-conditioner market in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on air-conditioner market in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 8 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Green building certification in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Green Building Certification in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 8 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Mobile devices components in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Mobile devices components in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 1 days, we manage to secure 3 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Fire & Smoke Detector Market in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Fire & Smoke Detector Market in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 10 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market Research

Port operators & Logistic providers in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on Port operators & Logistic providers in Singapore

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant companies, associations, and government organisations . We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 3 days, we manage to secure 8 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Market research support 

for commercially used cheese and cream supply and demand in Singapore

Our client is a market research company from Japan who is conducting market research on the the supply and demand of cheese and cream products for commercial use in Singapore.

Upon receiving the requirements from the client, WASABI Creation conducted a research on relevant manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, as well as major end-users. We made enquiries and appointments in advance for conducting interview with our client when he arrived in Singapore. 

Within a short period of 4 days, we manage to secure 8 appointments with different companies, allowing our clients to receive sufficient and relevant information and data for their market research assignment.

Contact Us: EMAIL: WHATSAPP: +65 8656 7631 LINE: HAMAMATSU1999 WECHAT: UncleTongcf

WASABI Creation Pte. Ltd.

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