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"The Power of Influencer Marketing in Japan"
26th April (Wed) 7:00pm
WorkCentral @ Dhoby Ghaut
Connecting Japan & ASEAN for casual & stimulating exchange of ideas in business.
A truly cross-border business networking event, first of its kind in Singapore.
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Influencer Marketing in Japan 

Influencer marketing is more than a trend - digital influencers are the most

direct and effective way to reach Generation X, Z and millennials worldwide.

This highly engaged audience lives online on platforms like YouTube, Facebook

or Instagram and digital influencers are the new stars of this generation.


Being the market leader in influencer marketing in Japan, UUUM's head of

sales and global operations director will talk about the latest trends in Japan,

Asia and benefits of influencer marketing in general, as well as showing

a forecast of how global campaigns will shape the marketing industry

in Japan and Asia in the future.

Watch this Youtuber talking about Singapore's Laksa

Watch this Youtuber talking about Singapore's Laksa

About the Speakers  

Mr. Mitsuhiro Nakao

Executive Director / Sales and Marketing

After graduating from university in 2001, Mr. Nakao started his career at a securities firm before transitioning to a digital advertising agency in 2003.  His skill in sales operations, particularly in internet and mobile display, prepared him well for higher management and in 2011 his oversight was spun off as an independent entity from the parent company with him in an executive capacity. 

After three years of management experience he joined UUUM Co., Ltd. in 2014 upon meeting Mr. Kamada (CEO, UUUM Co., Ltd.) where he manages media planning partnerships and oversees all sales operations.

Mr. Yoshinori Ichikawa

Operating & Sales Officer

Born in 1978, Mr. Ichikawa graduated from university in 2001 whereupon he began his career at a audio/visual production company.  Bearing a rich experience in production he transitioned in 2006 to focus on internet media representation, specializing in portal site and social media management as well as video display, which in 2009 partnered with a major advertising firm for digital campaign planning efforts.   


In 2014 he started an internet-focused advertising service, with a focus on expanding digital video offerings; and taking that same vision to heart he joined UUUM Co., Ltd. in 2015.

Mr. Rene Paulesich

Youtuber, Head of Global Operations


After successfully managing the localisation efforts for Nintendo Co., Ltd's hit titles including The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Xenoblade Chronicles, Mr. Paulesich joined Spicysoft Corporation as a producer for the Bike Rider series of games. 

He joined UUUM Co., Ltd in 2015 as Operations Lead for the "UUUM Network" creator cultivation service.  In May of 2016 he transitioned into his current capacity as Global Alliance Lead. 

Rene is also a Youtuber himself with over 13K followers and 150K view per month at his Youtube channel 朝の外人 (The Morning Foreigner), making and sharing videos about his life and interesting topics as a foreigner living and working in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Check out Rene's channel HERE.

About UUUM

UUUM is Japan's first and largest YouTube influencer network with over 2 billion views/month and more than 4,000 influencers including Japan's No.1 YouTube stars HIKAKIN, Hajime and Yuka Kinoshita. Specialising in influencer marketing, management and video content production, UUUM has

strong strategic partnerships both local and global, that enable UUUM to access a worldwide network of over 60,000 top influencers.

UUUM is the market leader in influencer marketing in Japan, with over 500 brand partners worldwide. Located in Roppongi Hills, also home of the YouTube Space in Japan, UUUM operates from the heart of Tokyo to deliver amazing and entertaining content.

Event detail


Date:                26th April (Wed) Evening: 1900~2130 (opening 1830)

Venue:             WorkCentral, Brew House

Singapore Shopping Centre

190 Clemenceau Avenue

#06-03 Singapore 239924

Capacity:        50 people max

Fee:                  $50 (advance tickets $40),

Refreshment, drinks, beer, wine included

Language:      English (some Japanese)

Dress code:    Smart casual

Registration:  HERE



1830~1915  Registration, Refreshment & Networking

1915~1945  Introduction & short presentation by speakers

1945~2000  Panel discussion by speakers and special guests

2000~2015  Questions & discussion from the participants

2015~2030  Quiz & Prizes

2030~2130  More drinks & Networking

2130              The End

About WASABI Insight

WASABI Insight is a regular social networking event for bridging Singapore & Japan in terms of Business, Culture, & Talents, in order to enhance interaction & exchange of ideas between Singaporeans, Japanese, as well as other expatriate professionals. 

About the Host

Mr. Tong Cheuk Fung

Founder, WASABI Creation~ Creating Awesome Projects between Japan & Singapore


Tong started learning Japanese as third language at age 13. After graduating from National University of Singapore with a degree in Chemical Engineering, Tong packed his bags and flew to Kyoto for his first job, and began his new life in Japan. In 2014, after spending 5 years in Japan, Tong returned to Singapore to set up WASABI Creation, for “creating awesome projects between Japan and Singapore”.

Tong’s goal is to make WASABI Creation the catalyst for creating business opportunities, developing close relationships, and explore possibilities between Japan and Singapore, as well as the ASEAN region. WASABI Creation’s mission is to spice up ASEAN with a sprinkle of Japan’s wonders, just like the overwhelming taste and burning sensation of the green Wasasbi. (Read more)


                                                                                          Media Partner

Supporting Partners   

                                         Media                            Community                               Community                       Community                    Venue                           Community


Kindly pre-register for advance tickets for WASABI Insight

by 20th April 2017 by clicking on"GET TICKET" on the right.


Due to limited seats and sold-out previous events, early

pre-registration online is advised.


For enquiry , kindly email to

Kindly fill in the form for the latest updates of our events.






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イベントレポート by 坂井きららさん(早稲田大学 4年生 人間科学部 人間情報科学科 日本語教育副専攻)

WASABI Insight vol.6 "The Power of Influencer Marketing in Japan" April 26th (Wed) @WorkCentral



今回のWASABI Insight は人気You Tuberが多数所属する、今注目のUUUM様をお招きし、"The Power of Influencer Marketing in Japan" を開催いたしました。



そもそも「You Tuberって仕事なの?」「インフルエンサーって何?」と思われた方もいらっしゃるのではないでしょうか。馴染みのない方にとってはどのようなビジネスなのか想像がつかないと思うのですが、驚くことに小学生の将来の夢ランキングで”YouTuber”がサッカー選手や医者に次いで第3位になったということで、ネットでも話題となりました。そんな注目のYouTubeを利用して実際にマーケティングビジネスを行っているのが、UUUM様です。YouTube×インフルエンサーマーケティングの中心に位置する業界初のプラットフォーマーとして、盛り上がりを見せています。



YouTubeはよく見ているけど、UUUMって聞いたことないよ、という方もこれを知ったら驚くかもしれません!UUUM様は、HIKAKIN、はじめしゃちょー、佐々木あさひをはじめとする4,300以上のYouTubeチャンネルに対して、マネジメント、動画制作サポート、オファーなどを提供している会社です。そのシェアでいうと日本TOP10のYou Tuberのうち7名がUMMM様に所属しています。YouTube というテレビCMとは全く別の方法で動画を利用したインフルエンサーマーケティングは予想を上回る影響力をもち、様々な企業とのタイアップが増えているそうです。




UMMMで働く方々はYou Tuberをサポートし楽しいことを全力で考えられる人。You Tuber のマネジメントや動画作成サポート、オファーなど直接You Tuberの方と関わりながら仕事をしていくことが多いそうですが、本当に面白い人の集まりだとおっしゃっていました。もちろん動画の題材を考えたり、編集したり、見ていて楽しい動画の裏には色々な地味な作業もあると思うのですが、仕事の根本は“おもしろい”を発信することです。社員もYou Tuberも好きなことを仕事にしているなと感じます、と話す姿は生き生きしていて、その様子がよく伝わってきました。




■社名:株式会社エヌ・エヌ・エー の記載
■URL の記載
■この記事は、アジア経済ビジネス情報を発信するNNA(株式会社エヌ・エ ヌ・エー)の許可を得て掲載しています。

■当該記事の日付 2017年4月28日

Past Speakers   

        Mr. Deny Rahardjo           Mr. Sham Alexandra          Mr. Dennis Quek Business        Mr. Tee Wee Ang                    Mr. Edric Ho                       Mr. Melvin Goh

     Kinerja International            DHL eCommerce                             I2R A*Star                        KOOKI Pte Ltd                Lever & Punch Pte Ltd      Have Halal, Will Travel

         Mr Akihiko Koga               Mr Hideaki Fujiyama                    June Shaul                          Emily Maynade                   John Fitzpatrick                    Yasuyuki Kita

Japan Food Culture         Lingua Franca Holdings                         LinkedIn                                  LinkedIn                  Amazon Web Services   Yamada Business Consulting                                                                       

     Mr. Shinya Yokoyama          Ms. Ayumi Fujishiro           Mr. Makoto Yamataka           Mr. Mitsuru Narita                   Mr. Craig Tan                      Mr.Kengo Sakai

       Halal Media Japan                 IPPIN Cafe Bar                    East Japan Railway            Ishikawa Prefecture          Ishikawa Prefecture               D&N International

         Mr. Kengo Fukui

Chitose Agriculture Initiative

Past WASABI Insight Events

Past WASABI Discovery Events

About the Venue: WorkCentral

Every innovative idea should be given its shot; every creative entrepreneur should have his or her moment. We understand creating something from scratch is tough. Hence, here at Workcentral, we build a vibrant, purpose-driven community that works, learns, shares and grows together in a coworking space at Dhoby Ghaut, removing barriers that creators face in bringing their creative projects to life by connecting members to a selection of service provides such as awesome digital marketers & Brand Specialists, Business Owners or Angel Investors, empowering individual projects to reach its full potential.


Besides creating a vibrant and conducive coworking environment, we have specially created dedicated event spaces catering to mid to large-scale trainings, workshops and teambuilding. For more informaion, please visit or email to:

Contact Us: EMAIL: WHATSAPP: +65 8656 7631 LINE: HAMAMATSU1999 WECHAT: UncleTongcf

WASABI Creation Pte. Ltd.

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