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Tired of all the resumes, cover letters, and interviews?
SimpleHunt turns the table around to help
fresh graduates get head-hunted instead

By Lim Shi Hui, Undergraduate, NUS School of Business



Imagine being headhunted and landing a job right after graduation! This would be the dream situation of most, if not all fresh graduates. But how do you hit the radar of the companies you are interested in?


SimpleHunt may be the answer to this issue. SimpleHunt is a recruiting platform that allows students to field multiple job opportunities and for employers to meet and select the best candidates. However, SimpleHunt stands out from other recruiting companies in the market as its creator, Atsuro Banno is trying to "flip the way of recruitment". Believing that current hiring practices are out of date, especially with regards to students, Banno, a long-time HR practitioner, decided that something must be done to address the needs of corporations and the struggles faced by fresh graduates whilst job hunting.


SimpleHunt helps companies to do the heavy lifting by getting in touch and screening every qualitied student face-to-face. The best choices for each company will then be selected to attend SimpleHunt’s live events for recruiting. This sounds like a win win situation because it is. Students will have the opportunity to meet many people at the same time, saving time and effort. They will also have the chance to talk to representatives of various companies in person, obtain feedback and get scouted. On the other hand, recruiters gain access to a group of students they are genuinely interested in hiring and interact with each of them individually. 

Atsuro Banno is also a member of the executive committee of Singapore WaKyoKai

You may wonder how SimpleHunt derives suitable candidates to attend the events given that the requirements for hiring is different for each company, and the definition of what makes a good candidate may differ for each company. However, most companies can agree that bad candidates are people they do not wish to hire, and it is possible to sieve out such candidates by asking about their past behaviors and mentality. SimpleHunt has developed a questioning technique and evaluation logic for this very purpose. Their ‘quality control’ will ensure that only candidates with suitable habits and behavioral patterns attend the live events.

In fact, Banno likened such events to a tryout of professional baseball, in which companies carry out massive, face to face and engaging recruitment while overcoming the limitations of simply replying on resumes and interviews. SimpleHunt events are themed for a more effective hiring process. A mechanical engineering student will head over to an engineering fair, while the business student will probably choose to join the business management day instead.  


Banno plans to further develop SimpleHunt by using the placement office of universities to reach out to more students. He also intend to involve start-up companies in SimpleHunt by helping them to recruit the best new graduates, a problem many start-up companies face. 

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