Guest Speaker

Business Seminar
For Osaka Innovation Hub: Expanding startup businesses in Singapore
Sep 2018
20 startup entrepreneurs and students from Osaka Innovation Hub visited WASABI Creation as part of their one week study tour in Singapore. Tong (Founder, CEO), together with Yuta Morita (Intern, SMU MBA student) conducted a seminar for the group on how they can expand their businesses from Japan to Singapore. They covered topics such as incorporation in Singapore, Singapore's demographic, consumer behaviour, influencer marketing, popup store marketing, etc. The participants were very interested in these topics and asked many questions such as "What are the common difficulties and errors Japanese companies have when doing business in Singapore." Tong was glad to have shared his experiences and expertise in these areas.

Japanese Lessons
For foreign domestic workers & caretakers
Sep 2018
WASABI Creation was requested by a nursing training school to conduct Japanese lessons to its students comprising of foreign domestic workers and caretakers. The students are attending the school to step up their skills in nursing care for the elderly. As Japan is seriously facing the hit of aging population, and lack of manpower in providing care to the elderly, they have opened up working opportunities in Japan to foreign caretakers.
In view of this, these foreign domestic workers are trying out learning Japanese to equip themselves with the language skill that will enable them to work in Japan in the future.

Guest Speaker
Seminar to Ryokoku University: How Singapore's policies have shaped a multiracial and international society.
2 Sep 2018
A group of 40 students from Ryokoku University, Japan visited WASABI Creation as part of their educational tour in Vietnam and Singapore. WASABI Creation founder, Tong conducted a seminar on Singapore policies that have shaped the country's multiracialism, and built an international society.
More and more Japanese companies realise the need to venture overseas market as its domestic market continue to string due to aging population and depopulation, however there is a lack of talent within Japan who has the experience, skills, and know-how to bring business across boarders. We hope the seminar will be able to share with the students some ideas and tips on how to be a global talent.

Guest Speaker
Seminars to Business Schools in Delhi, India
Aug 2018
WASABI Creation was invited by our partner, Intraversity in Delhi, to conduct talks to students of various business and management colleges in India. Over the week, we visited and met students from Jaipuria School of Business, JK Business School, Institute of Technology And Sciences, and Accurate Institute of Management & Technology. We shared with the students about our business, market trends in Japan and Singapore, and answered the students' questions on entrepreneurship.
WASABI Creation is also in talks with the schools to work with our partner in bringing students to Singapore for educational tour and internship.

Guest Speaker
"How SMU MBA Students can prepare themselves in working with the Japanese?"
6th Jul 2018
The Founder of WASABI Creation, Tong was invited by SMU MBA Class to speak at "Japanese Business Night". Tong shared about his experiences when he was working as a fresh graduate in Japan, and talked about Japanese business culture that is unique and special to non-Japanese people.
Tong also talked about basic Japanese business etiquette, such as exchanging business cards, and seating positions for Japanese business meetings. The MBA students shown great interest with many questions.
The event ended with a party serving Sushi for everyone.

Entrepreneurship Training Camp 2nd edition
"Partnership with SAI International College Bubhneshwar, India"
June 2018
WASABI Creation hosted 8 Indian students from SAI International College Bubhneshwar over 4 days for an intensive Entrepreneurship Training Camp at WASABI Creation's office. The students worked in groups of 2 on various topics such as coworking space business, India market entry, Japanese F&B market research, as well as overseas travel trends for India.
An extensive research in in these were done by the students, who also came up with creative proposals to implement new business into the fast growing market. Many presentations and discussions were held with the students to finalise the proposal.
At the end of the program, each student received a certificate of participation for their enthusiasm during the program.

WASABI Consulting
"What can Japanese students do to become international professionals?"
16th Mar 2018
The Founder of WASABI Creation, Tong was contacted by a group of students from Tokyo University, who are interested to learn about doing business internationally, as they planned their self-funded trip to Malaysia and Singapore. A sharing session was conducted over web conference, where Tong answered questions from the students, shared his own experiences, and gave advises to the students what they can do to groom themselves into international professionals.
Here are the reviews and comments from the students.
WASABI Insight vol.10
Business in Japan~
"Japanese Business Culture & Manners"
1st Mar 2018
The Founder of WASABI Creation, Tong held a seminar sharing his experiences and insights on doing business in Japan, in particular on the topic of "Japanese Business Culture & Manners".
Tong shared from his own personal experience overs the years while he has been working in Japan, and doing business with Japanese companies. As he grew up and went through the education system in Singapore, knowing the language didn't seem to have prepared him enough to work in Japan as a fresh graduate. Tong talked about the episodes he had encountered all these years, and cover some of the basics about "Japanese Business Culture & Manner".
Japanese business culture 101, how are the Japanese thinking?
Exchanging business cards
Visiting & hosting a Japanese company
Useful Japanese expressions for business
More information: Business in Japan~ "Japanese Business Culture & Manners"

Guest Speaker
The Japan Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Singapore (CLAIR, Singapore)
Feb 2018
The Founder of WASABI Creation, Tong was invited by The Japan Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, Singapore (CLAIR, Singapore) to share about WASABI Creation's business and its expertise in helping Japanese companies go global
Tong shared about his past, present, and future projects on how WASABI Creation is bridging Japan, Singapore, and the rest of Asia in terms on Business, Culture, and Tourism. In particular, Tong talked about his observation of how many Japanese companies are facing difficulty in presenting their products to the local markets overseas, and what could be so the solutions to better communicating with local consumers and making online connections for building relationships.
About CLAIR, Singapore

SME One Asia Awards
マリナーズ ベイサンズ
One Asia Awards は、これからの社会的を担うアジア各国の国際的な企業(Multinational Corporation(MMCs))と中小企業(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SMEs))の承認のために創設されました。このアワードの目的は、これらの企業の持続的な成長の促進、また、彼らの社会的発展へ取り組むビジネスをより援助することと設定されています。
One Asia Awards 2015 Gala Dinner
時間:午後6:30 – 午後10:00
6:30‐7:30 カクテルレセプション(交流会)
7:30‐10:00 企業の受賞及びディナー
・シンガポール内務省大臣Mr Armin Amin

One Asia Awards 2015 (シンガポール)について
社会的責任、成功、そして特に人々、社会、環境の発展に貢献する実践を成し遂げた企業を承認、表彰をするOne Asia Awards はSME One Asia Awards へと名前を変えてから、今年で5周年を迎えました。この活動は私たちの、アジア内の企業の持続的な成長を促進させる、との目標と合致しています。
One Asia Awards 2015はSME One Asia Awards とINC One Asia Awardsの二つから構成されています。
SME One Asia Awards は、年収が100万ドルから1億ドルまでの企業様をターゲットとしています。このアワードでは、中小企業(SMEs)が、アジアの経済発展の重要なエンジンになることを信じ行っております。私たちは、世界の早急な発展が達成させられるとともに、将来のマーケットリーダー達は高い利益と、社会的な責任を持つ人々になっていく事と確信しています。
INC One Asia Awards は、彼らが残した成功を後世にもつないでいくために、サービス・リーダーシップ・人的資源・クオリティの五つの重要な要素を、企業の構造内に組み入れることができている、前向きでアジア地域に根差した企業の承認のために2014年から組み込まれた賞になります。したがって、INCは”Incorporated for New Century”(新しい世代のための結合)を表しておりま
One Asia Awards 2015は以下の国からの参加者を含んでおり
ZHislandは2011年に、起業家のLiu Donghuaによって創立されました。また
ZHislandは、アリババの創設者であるJack Maや、レノボの創立者である
Liu Chuanzhi、そして、現代における不動産界のリーダーであられる、
Wang Shiを含んだエリートビジネスコミュニティ出身の、4000人以上の
ZHislandとのパートナーシップを結んでいるAPF Group はビジネス
One Asia Awards 2015の審査員には以下の方々が参加してくださいます。
Mr Teng Theng Dar オマーン大使館大使
Mr Lee Tiong Heng Deloitte & Touché LLP税務パートナー
Ms Amy Lee UOB Kay Hian取締役
Mr Francis Tay Singapura Management Pte Ltd取締役
Mr Sam Chia, SC Coaching Asia Pte Ltd CEO
Dr Martin Blake Be Sustainable Pte Ltd CEO
Mr James Lee Sinolion Capital CEO
Ms Pong Siew Inn PKF Singapore 取締役
Mr Michael Chow Association of International Accountants社長
The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC)
Singapore Institute Of Management (SIM)
Maserati - Hong Seh Motors Pte Ltd
Royal Selangor
Media CNBC
Fortune Times