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Future Shorts Film Festival

World’s Biggest Short Film Festival

Summer 2013 @ Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka
​The Future Shorts Festival is the biggest short film festival of its kind, showcasing the most exciting short films from around the world. Since its founding in 2003 at London, it is now happening in more than 90 countries, 235 cities, 6 continents, & 1700 screenings.



​​Independent short films from Future Shorts Festival reflect different cultures more realistically. They are also creative & skillful works that can easily take control of your emotion, leading it through moments of ups & down, all within a fraction of an hour.
Future Shorts Festival is also an international community for film-makers in Japan and overseas to network, exchange, create new values and amazing projects together across borders.
  • Date & Time: 15th Sep 2013 Sun, 1830~2200

  • Oinai Karasuma (see map)                

    Subway “Karasuma Oike" Station Exit 5, 5 min by foot

    Subway "Shijo" Station or "Hankyu "Karasuma" Station Exit 21, 5 in by foot

    ADRESS:〒604-8152 京都市中京区烏丸通蛸薬師南入る手洗水町 647 トキワビル4-B


  • Maximum capacity:  100

  • Cost: 2000yen (6 films + 1 drink + International crowd) 

  • * 1500yen for students with valid student pass

Facebook event page

  • Date & Time:   21th Sep 2013 Sat, 1830~2200
  • Venue:   Queen of Hoot, Kobe Kitano (see map)

  • Maximum capacity:  40

  • Cost:    2000yen (6 films + 1 drink + International crowd)

  • * 1500yen for students with valid student pass​

Facebook event page

  • Date & Time: 28th Sep 2013 Sat, 1830~2200

  • Venue: ASAHI Lab Garden (see map) 530-0018 Osaka-shi Kitaku Komatsubara-cho 2-4, Osaka FukokuSeimei Building 4F 

  • Maximum capacity:  40

  • Cost: 2000yen (6 films + 1 drink + International crowd)

  • * 1500yen for students with valid student pass​

Facebook event page



Please email the following information to to register for the event. 







Which screening are you attending? ご参加になる上映会をお選びください。




How do you know about this event (Future Short Festival Kyoto)?どのように本イベントを知っていますか。


Are you a student with valid student pass?学生証をお持ちの学生さんですか。


Comments or questions お問い合わせ

This seminar is produced by WASABI Creation, “International Event Design by International People”.

Contact Us: EMAIL: WHATSAPP: +65 8656 7631 LINE: HAMAMATSU1999 WECHAT: UncleTongcf

WASABI Creation Pte. Ltd.

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