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WASABI Events~



Produced by WASABI Creation

  • Wix Facebook page

Passion Unleashed



7:00 PM - 10:00 PM



SMU University Lounge
81 Victoria Street, Level 6, SMU Admin Building
Singapore 188065

Passion Unleashedについて


Passion Unleashed は アジアでTed.cmのトークシリーズと同等のレベルに幅広く有名になることを見込まれている、自家製のトークシリーズです。


Passion Unleashedの目標は、人々の情熱に火をつけるために、また、社会と人々の間に肯定的な変革を起こすために、個人に力を与えることです。


Passion Unleashedは、世界クラスのビジネスリーダーや、政治家、社会活動家など、他にもさまざまな方たちを含んだ、他とは異なったスピーカーにフォーカスをあてた、刺激的なトークシリーズです。



また毎月、Singapore Management Universityとのコラボレーションも開催されています。これらの目的は、プロフェッショナルが働く中での肯定的な文化を創造する事、また人生の中で情熱を見つけるように若者を刺激していく事、また充実した人生、仕事、双方の全体論的アプローチを追い求めていく事、さらに、彼ら自身、また幅広いコミュニティの中でポジティブな変化を起こしていく事などを置いています。


Passion Unleashed は本物のストーリーのプラットフォームです。スピーカーは彼らにとって、とても重要な生きる中でのキーページをシェアしてくださいます。



Passion Unleashedはその月のそれぞれ第三火曜日に行われます。






Date & Time

From: 17 Nov, 2015 7:00 PM
To: 17 Nov, 2015 10:00 PM



SMU University Lounge
81 Victoria Street, Level 6, SMU Admin Building
Singapore 188065



About Passion Unleashed

Passion Unleashed is a homegrown talk series that is targeted to become the Asian equivalent of the widely popular “” talk series


The vision of Passion Unleashed is “To empower individuals to reignite their passion and make a positive change in themselves and society.”


Passion Unleashed is an inspirational talk series that features distinguished speakers including world-class business leaders, politicians, pioneers, social activists and more.


Launched in August 2012, this non-profit series is a unique platform with guest speakers sharing how they pursued their dreams and achieved success and happiness in their lives as well as made positive impact to the society. Held monthly in collaboration with Singapore Management University, the objective is to create a positive culture among working professionals and aspiring youths about finding their passion in life and pursuing a holistic and fulfilling work/life approach, thus making positive changes in themselves and the broader community.


Passion Unleashed is a platform for genuine stories. Speakers share key pages of their lives which are significant to them. They touch the audience because they share from their hearts. Audience learn about what it takes to overcome challenges and get inspired to start thinking and crafting steps towards making a positive change in their lives and/or to those around them.


Passion Unleashed is held every third Tuesday of the month.






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