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​Pecha Kucha Night OSAKA

Vol #1 ~ Launching Off

Date & Time:   8 June 2013 Sat, 1830~2200 

Venue:  Trois Dix organic restaurant, Osaka

Address: Osaka, Nishi-ku, Kitahorie 1-22-4
Google map:

(see map)

Maximum capacity:  80

Cost:    1000yen (1drink)

PechaKucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. Osaka is launching its first Pecha Kucha Night on June 8th 2013!

PechaKucha Nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts, holiday snaps -- just about anything, really -- in the PechaKucha 20x20 format.

Find out What is Pecha Kucha Night???



  • 1830~1850 Opening & registration
  • 1850~1900 Emcee’s introduction
  • 1900~1945 PKN Presentation part 1 (6 presenters)
  • 1945~2000 Beer break
  • 2000~2045 PKN Presentation part 2 (5 presenters)
  • 2045~2200 Networking party

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Official Homepage

Calling for PechaKucha Presenters!!
If you or you know someone who is doing some cool stuff, amazing projects, remarkable work on any field, be it design, art, engineering, entrepreneurship, agriculture, social movements, ANYTHING!, contact us NOW and be a PechaKucha Presenters at our FIRST ever Pecha Kucha Night Osaka!!

This event is produced by WASABI Creation, “International Event Design by International People”.

Contact Us: EMAIL: WHATSAPP: +65 8656 7631 LINE: HAMAMATSU1999 WECHAT: UncleTongcf

WASABI Creation Pte. Ltd.

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